The primary objective for acoustical design in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and equipment is to ensure that the acoustical environment in a given space is not unacceptably affected by HVAC system-related noise. Therefore, standard methodologies for quantifying such Background noise have been developed.
Noise Control – Why do we need it?
- Prolonged exposure to loud environment cuts down productivity; creates stress and can lead to accidents.
- Unwanted noise is nuisance. The most common problem in a room is too much echo or reverberation. Too much echo can garble speech clarity and intelligibility.
TAB Engineering Services LLC applies Noise Criteria NC Methodology to describe the noise in a space by examining a range of frequencies. The NC rating of a spectrum is designated as the value of the lowest NC curve above the measured octave-band spectrum.

Temperature can be a particularly important measure in the built environment when considering the thermal comfort of occupants and in the design of building services systems.
Air conditioner temperatures that are too high or too low can indicate specific operating problems on central and portable or window air conditioners.
TAB Engineering Services LLC uses the modern devices to measure air temperatures which can assist in diagnosing what may be wrong and what repairs may be needed for the air conditioner.
Office humidity is very important for every building. If it’s too high or too low, it can affect your health, the building materials, the equipment, and more. Uncontrolled humidity levels are one of the main factors for poor indoor air quality (IAQ).
When your office humidity level is too high, it allows dust mites and microbes to grow. The air becomes moist, and mold can start to appear.
On the other hand, low humidity can also be troublesome. Dry air makes it difficult for some people to breathe, and it can irritate the skin, eyes, and sinuses.
TAB Engineering Services LLC uses the modern devices to measure the relative humidity level to optimize the conditions inside a building and to ensure comfort and safety to its users or residents, by keeping indoor air quality high.